200 de universități de pe întregul glob au lansat 620+ de cursuri online gratuite


Dacă nu ați auzit, universitățile din întreaga lume oferă cursuri online gratuite sau achitate parțial. Aceste cursuri sunt numite în mod colectiv MOOC. În ultimii opt ani, au fost creeate peste 14 mii de programe MOOC de peste 1 000 de universități.

Din luna septembrie curent, peste 200 de universități au anunțat peste 600 de cursuri gratuite online din domenii precum: Informatică, Matematică, Programare, Științe sociale, Educație, Sănătate și medicină, Artă și design etc.

În continuare, găsiți lista acestor cursuri clasate în funcție de domeniul studiat și de care universitate sunt oferite.

# Informatică – 80 de cursuri

# Programare – 21 de cursuri

# Business – 88 de cursuri

# Dezvoltare personală – 29 de cursuri

# Știința datelor – 13 cursuri

# Artă și design – 19 cursuri

# Sănătate și medicină – 69 de cursuri

# Inginerie – 57 de cursuri

# Educație și învățământ – 42 de cursuri

# Științe umane – 44 de cursuri

# Știință – 66 de cursuri

# Matematică – 19 cursuri

# Științe sociale – 76 de cursuri

# Informatică

CS50 for Lawyers from Harvard University

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies from University of Pennsylvania

The Blockchain from University of California, Irvine

The Blockchain System from University of California, Irvine

The Merkle Tree and Cryptocurrencies from University of California, Irvine

Cryptography and Hashing Overview from University of California, Irvine

Human-Computer Interaction III: Ethics, Needfinding & Prototyping from Georgia Institute of Technology

Human-Computer Interaction I: Fundamentals & Design Principles from Georgia Institute of Technology

Human-Computer Interaction II: Cognition, Context & Culture from Georgia Institute of Technology

Human-Computer Interaction IV: Evaluation, Agile Methods & Beyond from Georgia Institute of Technology

Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Unordered Data Structures from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ordered Data Structures from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Computer Vision Basics from University at Buffalo

Visual Recognition & Understanding from University at Buffalo

Stereo Vision, Dense Motion & Tracking from University at Buffalo

Image Processing, Features & Segmentation from University at Buffalo

Exploiting and Securing Vulnerabilities in Java Applications from University of California, Davis

Identifying Security Vulnerabilities from University of California, Davis

Identifying Security Vulnerabilities in C/C++Programming from University of California, Davis

Principles of Secure Coding from University of California, Davis

Continuous Integration from University of California, Davis

LAFF-On Programming for High Performance from The University of Texas at Austin

Machine Learning from The University of Texas at Austin

Expanded FPGA Training with NIOS II from University of Colorado Boulder

Introduction to the Internet of Things from Universitat Politècnica de València

Introducción al Internet de las Cosas (IoT) from Universitat Politècnica de València

Creatividad computacional from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Practice from Politecnico di Milano

Operating System Fundamentals from NPTEL

Ethical Hacking from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Computer Vision from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Deep Learning (IITKGP) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

A Complete Reinforcement Learning System (Capstone) from University of Alberta

Prediction and Control with Function Approximation from University of Alberta

Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning from University of Alberta

Sample-based Learning Methods from University of Alberta

Cybersecurity for Identity Protection from EIT Digital

I/O-efficient algorithms from EIT Digital

Blockchain for the decision maker from EIT Digital

Aspectos básicos de la asistencia técnica from Crece con Google

Sistemas Operacionais e Você: Tornando-se um Usuário Avançado from Cresça com o Google

Estrutura e Funcionamento das Redes de Computadores from Cresça com o Google

Fundamentos do Suporte Técnico from Cresça com o Google

Segurança de TI: Defesa Contra as Artes Obscuras do Mundo Digital from Cresça com o Google

Seguridad informática: defensa contra las artes oscuras digitales from Crece con Google

Administração de Sistemas e Serviços de Infraestrutura de TI from Cresça com o Google

Administración de sistemas y servicios de infraestructura de TI from Crece con Google

Unlocking Information Security: Part ⅠⅠ from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Introduction to Computer Vision from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Unlocking Information Security: Part Ⅰ from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

C for Everyone: Fundamentals from University of California, Santa Cruz

Algorithms, Data Collection, and Starting to Code from University of Colorado System

Simulation, Algorithm Analysis, and Pointers from University of Colorado System

Data Analysis and Representation, Selection and Iteration from University of Colorado System

Abstraction, Problem Decomposition, and Functions from University of Colorado System

Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning from Amazon Web Services

AWS: Getting Started with Cloud Security from Amazon Web Services

AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risk from Amazon Web Services

Communicating with Robots and Bots from Curtin University

iLabX – The Internet Masterclass from Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich)

Введение в искусственный интеллект from ФРОО

Applied Natural Language Processing from Chennai Mathematical Institute

プログラミングしながら学ぶコンピュータサイエンス入門 : Introduction to Computer Science and Programming from Tokyo Institute of Technology

Advanced Computer Architecture from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

A Subjective Introduction to the IoT from ITMO University

Data Management, Data Security and Robot Operating System as a Common Tool for IoT from ITMO University

IoT Networking and Fog Layer Devices from ITMO University

Machine Learning Using SAS Viya from SAS

Using SAS Viya REST APIs with Python and R from SAS

Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised Learning Tip to Tail from Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

Security Operations from Coventry University

Introduction to Blockchain: Using and Securing Cryptocurrencies from Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

Optimizing Machine Learning Model Performance from Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

Introduction to Applied Machine Learning from Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

Data for Machine Learning from Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

Introduction to Blockchain: Benefits, Values and Opportunities from Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

Introduction to Blockchain: Evolution and Technology Concepts from Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

Network Defence Management Overview from Coventry University

The Cyber Security Landscape from Coventry University

# Programare

Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) from University of Michigan

Programación para todos (empezando con Python) from University of Michigan

Introduction to Internationalization and Localization from University of Washington

Data in Database from Arizona State University

Current Gen 3D Game Prop Production from Michigan State University

Concept Art for Video Games from Michigan State University

Low Poly Art For Video Games from Michigan State University

Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL from University of California, Davis

Diagramas UML estructurales para la Ingeniería del Software from Universitat Politècnica de València

LaTeX for Students, Engineers, and Scientists from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Software Project Management from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Programmazione I from University of Naples Federico II

Amazon DynamoDB: Building NoSQL Database-Driven Applications from Amazon Web Services

Introducción a la Ingeniería del Software from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Work with augmented reality (AR) and the web from Curtin University

Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish from Curtin University

Android Graphics with OpenGL ES from Imperial College London

Introduction to Android graphics from Imperial College London

3D Graphics in Android: Sensors and VR from Imperial College London

Manejo de bases de datos con Python from Universidad Austral

Programación Orientada a Objetos con Python from Universidad Austral

# Business

Lending, Crowdfunding, and Modern Investing from University of Pennsylvania

Application of AI, InsurTech, and Real Estate Technology from University of Pennsylvania

FinTech: Foundations, Payments, and Regulations from University of Pennsylvania

Professional Responsibility and Ethics for Accountants from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Applying Data Analytics in Marketing from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Predictive Analytics and Data Mining from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Applying Data Analytics in Finance from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Infonomics II: Business Information Management and Measurement from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Advanced Financial Reporting: Accounting for Business Combinations and Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Understanding Development Management from The Open University

Localization: Adapting Digital Content to Local Markets from University of Washington

Internationalization: Creating Digital Content for the World from University of Washington

Driving Business Value from Data and A.I. – old from University of Edinburgh

Hypothesis-Driven Development from University of Virginia

Leading Digital and Data Decision Making from Arizona State University

Global Leadership and Personal Development from Arizona State University

Decision making using financial accounting from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Launching New Ventures from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Connected Strategy Capstone from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Connected Strategy from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Responsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms from Delft University of Technology

Engaging with Controversies in the Food System from EIT Food

Nuevos modelos de negocios en el siglo XXI from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Valuation and Creating Sustainable Value from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Advanced Corporate Strategy from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Diseñando una estrategia de negocios en América Latina from Tecnológico de Monterrey

Cost Accounting from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Financial Accounting from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Contratación y mercado digital. Aspectos legales y otras cuestiones de interés from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Leadership d’excellence par le sport de haut niveau from ESSEC Business School

Managers du changement from ESSEC Business School

Hacer negocios con multinacionales y empresas en América Latina from Universidad de los Andes

Business for WISEs from Politecnico di Milano

Alternative Finance from Politecnico di Milano

The Ethical Corporation from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Performance and Reward Management from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Game Thinking: Pensamiento estratégico y toma de decisiones from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Building Fintech Startups in Emerging Markets from University of Cape Town

Supply Chain Analytics from Rutgers University

Demand Analytics from Rutgers University

Financial Reporting I from Indiana University

Taxes and Decision Making from Indiana University

Managerial Accounting and Corporate Control from Indiana University

Management and financial accounting: Know your numbers 1 from Macquarie University

Risk governance: Engage the board from Macquarie University

Business intelligence and data analytics: Generate insights from Macquarie University

Marketing analytics: Know your customers from Macquarie University

Corporate finance: Know your numbers 2 from Macquarie University

Disciplined Approach to Social Entrepreneurship from Curtin University

Réussir son démarrage d’entreprise – L’approche SynOpp from EDUlib

Animal Feed Production: Feed Quality from EIT Food

Ethical Leadership in a Changing World from Victoria University of Wellington

Introduction to Financial Accounting from University of Padova

Mining for Development: The Taxation Linkage from University of the Witwatersrand

Social Innovation in South Korea from Hanyang University

Harnessing Cultural Diversity: Effective Team Leadership in the Workplace from Deakin University

Financial Derivatives & Risk Management from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Training of Trainers from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Toyota Production System from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Management Accounting from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Business Analytics & Text Mining Modeling Using Python from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Applied Entrepreneurship 2: Acceleration Plan Development and Evaluation from University System of Maryland

Applied Entrepreneurship 1: Design Thinking for Business Acceleration from University System of Maryland

Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry from University System of Maryland

Foundations of Project Management from Coventry University

Decision-Making Under Uncertainty from Texas A&M University

Organisational Behaviour in Construction: An Introduction from Coventry University

Marketing enfocado en la estrategia de servicios from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Contract Management and Procurement: An Introduction from Coventry University

Principles of Global Logistics Management from Coventry University

Sustainability and Green Logistics: An Introduction from Coventry University

Procurement Strategies and Tendering from Coventry University


Liderazgo estratégico internacional from Universidad Anáhuac

Fundamentos de información financiera y contable from Universidad Anáhuac

Международные финансы from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Gestión de operaciones from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Пути выхода на фондовый рынок для частных инвесторов сегмента Mass Retail from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Gestión de personas: Recursos Humanos from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Global Tourism Development Trends from Nankai University

Python and Machine Learning for Asset Management from EDHEC Business School

Macro Environmental Analysis and Business Strategy: An Introduction from Coventry University

Introduction to Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python from EDHEC Business School

Advanced Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python from EDHEC Business School

Цифровые технологии в международных финансах from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Perspectives on Entrepreneurship from Coventry University

openBIM from HESAM Université

Project Initiation from Coventry University

# Dezvoltare personală

Introduction to Learning Transfer and Life Long Learning (3L) from University of California, Irvine

Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills from University of Michigan

Empowering Yourself in a Post-Truth World from State University of New York

EQ for Family Business from The University of British Columbia

Communicating and Negotiating in a Dynamic Global World from Arizona State University

Учимся учиться. Как преуспеть в школе, не тратя всё время на учёбу from Higher School of Economics

Структура презентации технологических и инвестиционных проектов from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Предприми себя! from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Word intermedio: herramientas de formato y productividad from Universitat Politècnica de València

Competencias digitales. Conceptos y herramientas básicas from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Competencias digitales. Bases de datos: Access from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Competencias digitales. Herramientas de ofimática de productividad from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Gestión de la imagen personal from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Leading transformations: Manage change from Macquarie University

Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict from Macquarie University

Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with impact from Macquarie University

English@Work: Basic Job Interview Skills from Hong Kong Polytechnic University

English@Work: Advanced Job Interview Skills from Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Gestion des conflits from EDUlib

Professionalism in an era of change from Utrecht University

Interpersonal Skills from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Body Language: Key to Professional Success from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Introducción a la inteligencia emocional from Universidad Anáhuac

Debate y argumentación from Universidad del Rosario

Gestión del estrés y Mindfulness from Universidad Anáhuac

Inteligencia emocional para el liderazgo efectivo y colaboración from Universidad Anáhuac

Training and Development at Work: An Introduction from Coventry University

Decision-making and Risk: An Introduction from Coventry University

What Makes an Effective Presentation? from Coventry University

# Știința datelor

Data Modeling and Regression Analysis in Business from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Introduction to Accounting Data Analytics and Visualization from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

3D Data Visualization for Science Communication from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Visualization for Data Journalism from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Delivering Research Data Management Services from University of Edinburgh

Introduction to Predictive Analytics from University of Edinburgh

Foundations of Data Science: K-Means Clustering in Python from University of London International Programmes

Python for Data Science from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Data Analysis & Decision Making – III from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Quantitative Marketing Research from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Data Science for Business Innovation from EIT Digital

Data Analytics and Visualization in Health Care from Rochester Institute of Technology

From data base to big data from Université Côte d’Azur

# Artă și design

An Introduction to Accessibility and Inclusive Design from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Getting Your Film off the Ground from Michigan State University

Approaching Music Theory: Melodic Forms and Simple Harmony from California Institute of the Arts

The Language of Design: Form and Meaning from California Institute of the Arts

Basic Elements of Design: Design Principles and Design Software from University of Colorado Boulder

Textual Elements of Design: Fonts, Typography, and Spacing from University of Colorado Boulder

Graphic Elements of Design: Color Theory and Image Formats from University of Colorado Boulder

Print and Digital Elements of Design: Branding and User Experience from University of Colorado Boulder

So You Think You Know Tango? from Emory University

Introducción al Arte Sonoro from University of Barcelona

Photoshop: una herramienta para presentaciones innovadoras from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Text, Textuality and Digital Media from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Designing and Creating Skirts from Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Designing and Creating Trousers from Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas Part 5 from Curtis Institute of Music

Making and Understanding Web Comics from University of Dundee

Ergonomics Workplace Analysis from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Creative Problem Solving: Design Thinking in Health and Social Care from St George’s, University of London

Le solfège à votre portée from EDUlib

# Sănătate și medicină

Palliative Care Always: India from Stanford University

Extracellular Vesicles in Health and Disease from University of California, Irvine

Understanding Sport-Related Concussion Teach-Out from University of Michigan

Michigan Sport-Related Concussion Training Certification from University of Michigan

Sleep Deprivation: Habits, Solutions and Strategies from University of Michigan

Foundational Skills for Communicating About Health from University of Michigan

Health Systems Strengthening from University of Melbourne

MedTech: Trends and Product Design from University of Leeds

MedTech: Digital Health and Wearable Technology from University of Leeds

MedTech: Exploring the Human Genome from University of Leeds

MedTech: Orthopaedic Implants and Regenerative Medicine from University of Leeds

MedTech: AI and Medical Robots from University of Leeds

Global Health Security, Solidarity and Sustainability through the International Health Regulations from University of Geneva

History of Medical Cannabis from University of Colorado Boulder

Cannabis, Chronic Pain, and Related Disorders from University of Colorado Boulder

Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders from University of Colorado Boulder

Healthy Aging and the Future of Cannabis Research from University of Colorado Boulder

Curanderismo: Global & Cultural Influences of Traditional Healing from University of New Mexico

Technologie et vieillissement from Universitat Politècnica de València

Population Health: Health & Health Behaviour from Leiden University

Population Health: Study Design from Leiden University

Population Health: Responsible Data Analysis from Leiden University

Approche systémique pour la gouvernance des systèmes de santé from Université catholique de Louvain

Women’s Health After Motherhood from Trinity College Dublin

Prehospital care of acute stroke and patient selection for endovascular treatment using the RACE scale from University of Barcelona

ÉCHELLE RACE: Dépistage préhospitalier de l’AVC impliquant une occlusion de gros vaisseaux cérébraux from University of Barcelona

Atención prehospitalaria del ictus agudo y selección de pacientes para tratamiento endovascular con la escala RACE from University of Barcelona

Nutrition, Exercise and Sports from Wageningen University

Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability: Circles of Care and Education from University of Cape Town

Doing Clinical Research: Biostatistics with the Wolfram Language from University of Cape Town

English for Healthcare from King’s College London

Implementing Innovation in Healthcare from Monash University

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: An Evidence-based Approach from Monash University

Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions from George Washington University

End of Life Care: Challenges and Innovation from University of Glasgow

Life, Health and Radiation from The University of Sydney

Using clinical health data for better healthcare from The University of Sydney

Newborn Capstone from University of Colorado System

Disease Outbreaks in Low and Middle Income Countries from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Integrated Healthcare for Children with Developmental Disabilities from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Regulated Competition in Healthcare Systems: Theory & Practice from Erasmus University Rotterdam

Organ Transplantation: Ethical and Legal Challenges from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Allergies: When the Immune System Backfires from University of Basel

Frailty in Daily Living from Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Introduction to Health Humanities from The College of St. Scholastica

Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance: A Social Science Approach from Imperial College London

Shared Decision Making and Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Care from Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Reversing Diabetes: Fact or Fiction? from University of Leicester

Aging Populations: Lessons In Healthy Aging From Japan from Keio University

Opioid analgesics: Treating Pain in People with Cancer from Newcastle University

What is Health Research? from University of Northampton

Hacking Exercise For Health. The surprising new science of fitness. from McMaster University

Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology from New York University (NYU)

Dermatology: Trip to skin from Novosibirsk State University

Understanding Epilepsy and its Neuropsychology from University of Padova

sauvTage : apprendre à sauver une vie à tous les âges from Université Bretagne Loire

Overview & Management of Parkinson’s Disease from University System of Maryland

Introduction to Nursing: Bioscience, Psychology, and Sociology from University of York

Spiritual Competency Training in Mental Health from University System of Maryland

Global Health Governance: Addressing Globalization and Health Inequities from St George’s, University of London

Evidence-Based Medicine in Clinical Pharmacy Practice from Tapei Medical University

Population and health development from Université Sorbonne Paris Cité

Nutrition: Eating to Live Well from Tapei Medical University

Pharmacokinetics: Drug Dosing in Renal Disease from Tapei Medical University

TEKPHY — Équilibre postural from EDUlib

Processus de raisonnement clinique from EDUlib

Soins palliatifs from Université Paris-Seine

TEKPHY — Activité physique et dépense énergétique from EDUlib

TEKPHY — Analyse du mouvement from EDUlib

# Inginerie

Electrical, Optical & Magnetic Materials and Devices from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Capstone Exam – Materials for Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Devices from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Structure of Materials from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Solar Energy Basics from State University of New York

Fundamentals of electronic device fabrication from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Nanotechnology, Science and Applications from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Engineering Mechanics from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Computational Electromagnetics from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Fundamentals and Applications of Dielectric Ceramics from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Fundamentals of Electric Drives from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Introduction to Rocket Propulsion from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Manufacturing Automation from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Turbulent Combustion: Theory and Modelling from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Mastering Statics from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Sensor Manufacturing and Process Control from University of Colorado Boulder

Introducción a las radiocomunicaciones from Universitat Politècnica de València

Introduction to Aerospace Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Introducción a los dispositivos electrónicos from Galileo University

Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory from Politecnico di Milano

Spatial Informatics from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Electrical Machines – I (IITKGP) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Electrical Measurement and Electronic Instruments from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Thermal Operations in Food Process Engineering: Theory and Applications from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Vibration and Structural Dynamics from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Protecting the World: Introducing Corrosion Science and Engineering from University of Manchester

Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission from Wageningen University

CBRS Professional Training from Google – Spectrum Sharing

Become a CBRS Certified Professional Installer by Google from Google – Spectrum Sharing

Solid Mechanics from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Textile Finishing from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Power Electronics from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Science and Technology of Weft and Warp Knitting from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Electrical Machines (IITD) from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Principles of Combing,Roving preparation & Ring spinning from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Introduction to Advanced Vibrations from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Cómo entrenar a tus electrones 3: Aplicaciones interesantes from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Cómo entrenar a tus electrones 2: Diodos y Transistores from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Cómo entrenar a tus electrones 1: Fundamentos de la electrónica analógica from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Mathematical Modeling Of Manufacturing Processes from NPTEL

Theoretical Mechanics from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Thermal Processing of Foods from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Dynamic Behaviour of Materials from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Two-Phase flow with phase change in conventional and miniature channels from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Applied Thermodynamics For Engineers from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Fundamentals of Conduction and Radiation from NPTEL

Steam Power Engineering from NPTEL

Plastic Working Of Metallic Materials from NPTEL

Microwave Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Microelectronics: Devices To Circuits from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Welding Metallurgy from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Selection of Nanomaterials for Energy Harvesting and Storage Applications from NPTEL

Product Design Using Value Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

DC Microgrid from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Drones and Autonomous Systems 2: Applications in Emergency Management from University System of Maryland

Drones and Autonomous Systems I: Fundamentals from University System of Maryland

L’ingénieur, source de solutions durables from EDUlib

# Educație și învățare

BioGraph: Teaching Biology Through Systems, Models, & Argumentation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom from Columbia University

Constructivism and Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Teaching in University Science Laboratories (Developing Best Practice) from University of Amsterdam

Умная аналитика в управлении образованием from Higher School of Economics

Организационные практики и инструменты в работе лидера образовательной организации from Higher School of Economics

Education Research that Matters: Applying Research to Your Teaching Practice from University of Birmingham

My Favorite Lectures @ HKUST from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Safe & Resilient Schools: Mental Health (K-12) from University of Colorado Boulder

Blended Language Learning: Design and Practice for Teachers from University of Colorado Boulder

University Smart: A parent and supporter’s guide to university entry from University of Reading

Live Smart: Your Essential Guide to Living at University from University of Reading

Hands-on training on Solar Study Lamp Assembly from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Introduction To Learning Analytics from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Designing learner-centric e-learning in STEM disciplines from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

New course mode in e-era|e时代的新课堂 from Tsinghua University

Progettare l’Innovazione Didattica from Politecnico di Milano

Accreditation and Outcome based Learning from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Inclusive Education: Essential Knowledge for Success from Queensland University of Technology

Claves para la innovación en la docencia universitaria from University of Barcelona

Educational Leadership: Working for Good from University of Manchester

Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom from Cornell University

Educating Deaf Children: Becoming an Empowered Teacher from University of Cape Town

Hybrid to Online with Jupyter from George Washington University

Transforming Education in Challenging Environments from University College London

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for Educators from Friday Institute

Teaching the Computer Science Discoveries Course from Friday Institute

Developing Expert Educators for Healthcare Professions from The University of Nottingham

Soy docente, ¡qué miedo! Gestiona eficazmente tus emociones from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

A-level Mathematics for Year 13 – Course 1: Functions, Sequences and Series, and Numerical Methods from Imperial College London

Учительський коучинг: сприяння розвитку сталих змін from Match Teacher Residency

Academic writing for clarity and meaning from University of the Witwatersrand

Emprendiendo en STEM from Universidad Austral

Returning to Education as a Mature Student from University of York

Engineering the Future: Creating the Amazing from University of York

New course mode in e-era from Tsinghua University

Fundamentos del Diseño Instruccional (HE) from Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

MOOC and Blended Learning from Tsinghua University

Digital Transformation in the Classroom from Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Vers une planète apprenante from Sorbonne Paris Cité University

Intercultural Competency in Education from University of Iceland

Leadership of Education Technology in Schools from Chartered College of Teaching

# Științe umane

Introduction to Digital Humanities from Harvard University

Shakespeare’s Life and Work from Harvard University

Relativism from University of California, Irvine

Skepticism from University of California, Irvine

Indian & Tibetan River of Buddhism from Columbia University

Global Ethics: An Introduction from The Open University

Why Religion Matters: Religious Literacy, Culture and Diversity from The Open University

Magna Carta and its Legacies: Freedom and protest from University of London International Programmes

Teach English Now! Teaching Language Online from Arizona State University

The Victorian Gothic Short Story from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

German-II from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

German-I from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Appreciating Linguistics: A typological approach from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Benvenuti in Italia! Orientarsi con l’italiano – Part 2 from Politecnico di Milano

Being a researcher (in Information Science and Technology) from Politecnico di Milano

Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Protección de datos personales en la era digital from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

The Scottish Highland Clans: Origins, Decline and Transformation from University of Glasgow

Walter Scott: The Man Behind the Monument from University of Aberdeen

Etkili Konuşmada Retorik (Rhetoric in Effective Speaking) from Koç University

Penshurst Place and The Sidney Family of Writers from Lancaster University

Griego clásico a través de las Guerras Médicas from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Science Communication and Public Engagement from EIT Food

Steps in Japanese for Beginners1 Part3 from Waseda University

Steps in Japanese for Beginners1 Part2 from Waseda University

Активные процессы в современном русском языке from Tomsk State University

Steps in Japanese for Beginners1 Part1 from Waseda University

Unlock Your English from Institut Mines-Télécom

Introduction to Chinese: Conversation from Shanghai International Studies University

Working Lives on Britain’s Railways: Railway History and Heritage from University of Strathclyde

Working Lives in the Coal Mines: Mining History and Heritage from University of Strathclyde

Introduction to Chinese: Grammar from Shanghai International Studies University

European Empires: An Introduction from University of Newcastle

Fairy Tales: Meanings, Messages, and Morals from University of Newcastle

Peterloo to the Pankhursts: Radicalism and Reform in the 19th Century from Royal Holloway, University of London

Just Reading and Writing English 2 from Tsinghua University

Conversational English Skills from Tsinghua University

Le Master Miro : se former aux métiers du tourisme culturel from Universite Perpignan Via Domitia

Just Reading and Writing English 1 from Tsinghua University

Systematic Literature Review: An Introduction from Coventry University

Irish 201: An Introduction to Irish Language and Culture from Dublin City University

General Academic English from Tsinghua University

Writing in the Disciplines Professional Development Course (HE) from Excelsior College

Understanding English Dictionaries from Coventry University

# Știință

Unconventional Reservoir Geomechanics from Stanford University

Introduction to Climate Change and Health from Yale University

Communicating Climate Change and Health from Yale University

Climate Adaptation for Human Health from Yale University

Mechanics, Part 2 from Rice University

Fluid and Particle Mechanics from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Plant Cell Bioprocessing from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Ecology and Wildlife Conservation from University of Leeds

Water quality and the biogeochemical engine from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Introduction à l’immunologie: méthodes et applications médicales from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Introduction à l’immunologie: aspects fondamentaux from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Physics of Turbulence from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Structural Geology from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Corrosion – Part II from NPTEL

Bioinorganic Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Reacciones rédox en la industria y la naturaleza from Universitat Politècnica de València

Reacciones de oxidación-reducción: conceptos básicos from Universitat Politècnica de València

Beneath the Blue: The Importance of Marine Sediments from University of Southampton

Introduction to Proteogenomics from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Metals In Biology from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Path Integral and functional methods in quantum field theory from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

NMR spectroscopy for Chemists and Biologists from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Quantum Optics 2 – Two photons and more from École Polytechnique

Flow through porous media from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Experimental Physics – II from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions from University of Alberta

Drainage in Agriculture: controlling water and salt levels in the soil from Wageningen University

Improving Food Production with Agricultural Technology and Plant Biotechnology from EIT Food

Spectroscopic Techniques for Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Industries from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Introduction to advanced tomography from Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Origins Of Life from Santa Fe Institute

Transforming Energy Systems: Why Governance Matters from University of Exeter

Genomic Medicine and Research: A Community Approach from University of Exeter

Invisible Worlds: Understanding the Natural Environment from University of Exeter

The Ethics of Biomedicine from Karolinska Institutet

Astrobiology: Exploring Other Worlds from University of Arizona

Electrodynamics: In-depth Solutions for Maxwell’s Equations from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Extreme Geological Events from Cardiff University

Introduction to Particle Accelerators (NPAP MOOC) from Lund University

Irrigation Efficiency: more food with less water from KU Leuven University

Antarctica: Life on the Frozen Continent from Victoria University of Wellington

Animal Feed Production: Feed Safety from EIT Food

Hurricane Tracking with Satellite Data from University of Strathclyde

Citizen Science Projects: How to Make a Difference from University of Dundee

Principles Of Organic Synthesis from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Genetic Engineering: Theory and Application from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Chemical Reaction Engineering-I from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Introduction To Statistical Mechanics from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Numerical Methods And Simulation Techniques for Scientists and Engineers from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Thermo-Mechanical And Thermo-Chemical Processes from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Solar Photovoltaics Fundamentals, Technology And Applications from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Plant Developmental Biology from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Chemical Process Safety from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

The Biology of Bugs, Brains, and Beasts from University of York

Computational Physics from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune

La chimie, en route vers le génie I from EDUlib

El Antártico, un continente asombroso from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Fundamentos de anatomía y técnica quirúrgica básica from Universidad del Rosario

Les techniques d’irrigation from Université de Liège

La chimie, en route vers le génie II from EDUlib

Épidémiologie et diagnostic de la mammite from EDUlib

Mastitis epidemiology and diagnostic from EDUlib

銀河考古学入門 ~銀河の形成と進化を辿る~ (ga130) from Tohoku University

Waves and Oscillations from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune

La glande mammaire et sa réponse à l’infection from EDUlib

The udder and its response to infection from EDUlib

# Matematică

Linear Algebra, Part 1 from Rice University

Calculus of Several Real Variables from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Introduction to numerical analysis from Higher School of Economics

Power and Sample Size for Multilevel and Longitudinal Study Designs from University of Florida

Matrix Methods from University of Minnesota

Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Introduction to Structured Expert Judgment from Delft University of Technology

Métodos numéricos para matemáticas con Octave from Universitat Politècnica de València

Estadística y probabilidad from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Game Theory from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Mathematical Methods for Boundary Value Problems from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Introduction to Fuzzy Set Theory, Arithmetic and Logic from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Integral Transforms And Their Applications from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Introduction To Rings And Fields from Chennai Mathematical Institute

Discrete Mathematics (IITG) from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Mathematical Finance from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Higher Engineering Mathematics from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Operations Research from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Survival Statistics: Secrets for Demystifying Numbers from Royal Holloway, University of London

MTH 309 Introduction to Linear Algebra from University at Buffalo

# Știință socială

餐饮业内的人口贩运问题(广东话) from Stanford University

酒店业内的人口贩运问题(广东话) from Stanford University

人口贩运问题的公众普及教育(广东话) from Stanford University

Site Planning Online from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Political Economy and Economic Development from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change from Johns Hopkins University

Preventing Gun Violence in America Teach-Out from University of Michigan

LGBTQ Pride: From Origins to Evolution Teach-Out from University of Michigan

Freedom of Expression and Information in the Time of Globalization: Advanced Course from Columbia University

Protecting Children in Humanitarian Settings from Columbia University

Freedom of Expression and Information in the Time of Globalization: Foundational Course from Columbia University

Environmental Pollution Events and Emergency Response Introduction from Peking University

Disability Studies: an introduction from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Population Studies from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Psychology of Everyday from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Авторские школы from Higher School of Economics

Российское предпринимательское право from Higher School of Economics

Perfect Me: Understanding the Beauty Ideal from University of Birmingham

Hot Topics in Criminal Justice from Vanderbilt University

Inclusive Energy Systems – Exploring Sustainable Energy for All from Delft University of Technology

Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment from Delft University of Technology

Développement psychologique de l’enfant from University of Geneva

Explore How Farmers Produce Food Sustainably from EIT Food

Gestión integral del riesgo de desastres from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Anticorrupción: Introducción a conceptos y perspectiva práctica from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Industria 4.0: fundamentos y alcances en el sistema eléctrico from Tecnológico de Monterrey

Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence from The University of Sheffield

Sustainable and Affordable Sanitation Solutions For Small Towns: Policy, Planning and Practice from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Nouveaux modèles économiques des associations from ESSEC Business School

Enabling infrastructure in Africa for the Next Production Revolution from Politecnico di Milano

Enabling policies for innovation in the Next Production Revolution from Politecnico di Milano

Fondements de l’économie sociale et solidaire from Université catholique de Louvain

Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Patent Search for Engineers and Lawyers from NPTEL

Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science-Fundamental and Sustainability Concepts from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Comunicarnos sin daño para la reconciliación y la salud mental from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Gobernanza de datos personales en la era digital from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Privacy in the Western World from EIT Digital

Privacy in the USA from EIT Digital

Positive Psychology from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Disaster Recovery And Build Back Better from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Understanding Gender Inequality from University of Exeter

Future Food: Sustainable Food Systems for the 21st Century from University of Exeter

Driving business towards the Sustainable Development Goals from Erasmus University Rotterdam

Enjoyable Econometrics from Erasmus University Rotterdam

Studying Cities: Social Science Methods for Urban Research from Erasmus University Rotterdam

Introducción al Derecho en la vida cotidiana from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Introduction to Corporate Sustainability, Social Innovation and Ethics from Imperial College London

Теория Лжи. Профайлинг from ФРОО

How to Survive on Earth: Energy Materials for a Sustainable Future from University of Wollongong

Методологические проблемы психологии. Часть 2 from Saint Petersburg State University

Beyond Politics from Universidad Francisco Marroquín

Conceptos Clave en el Pensamiento de Tocqueville from Universidad Francisco Marroquín

Basic Japanese Civil Law from Tokyo Institute of Technology

Development Research Methods from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

The Psychology Of Language from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology from Durham University

Exploring Stone Age Archaeology: The Mysteries of Star Carr from University of York

Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: An Experimental Science from University of York

Anthropology: Understanding Societies and Cultures from University of Newcastle

High Conflict in Law: An Introduction from University of Newcastle

High Conflict in Law: Personality Disorders and Disputes from University of Newcastle

An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Accents, Attitudes and Identity from University of York

Inclusión social de personas con discapacidad desde un enfoque de derechos. from Universidad de Chile

Energy Economics And Policy from NPTEL

Producción y consumo responsable: ODS 12 from Universidad del Rosario

Community Preparedness, Recovery and Resilience: An Introduction from Coventry University

Foundations in Resilience, Security and Emerging Technology from Coventry University

Налоги и налогообложение: специальные налоговые режимы from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Fraud Investigation: Making a Difference from Coventry University

Политическая география from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Sustainability & Major Sport Events: Implementation from Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Paix et sécurité en Afrique Francophone from Université de Senghor

Réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile: réalités et pistes from Université de Montréal

Sustainability & Major Sport Events: Principles from Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Preserving Norwegian Stave Churches from Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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